Hi there. This post is an experiment of sorts. There may be a big blank spot below. If so you'll need to download this plugin from Google Earth. The map you're looking at below is a timecoded index to some of the maps we, at the Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division of the New York Public Library, have digitized. The index is for about 2,700 historical maps of New York City at building level detail.
Here's how to use it... First, use the timeslider at the top of the map to determine the time period you'd like to research (takes some practice!) Next, use either your mouse wheel or the zoom controls to find the geographic location you'd like to research. Finally, when you zoom to an area and mouse over the centerpoints of the color shapes on the map, you'll notice they highlight to show you the area covered by the map. Once highlighted you can click to see the basics of what you're looking at. Right Click the text that says "digital map" and open it in another browser window. And voila! You've located a map of a place at a historical time you've always wanted to know more about!